I like to immagine Pokemon as real animals.
And Animals of the same class can differ a lot depeding on where they live and of what ecosystem they are part of. So I started by showing the different variants of Vaporeons .
Top left: Arctic Vap. This Vaporeon lives in the icey deserts and always cool coasts. It has evolved way smaller ears, because bigger ears would result in a high loss of warmthenergy. Actually every part of this Vap is build so it can resist inhuman cold weather. Its massive body saves a lot of warmthenergy and gives away only a bit because of the smaller surface in relation to volume and the very thick fur, containing of lots and lots of thin hairs. Its arms and legs are shorter than a usual vaps and it has no ruff or backfinrow for the same reason it has such short ears.
Top right: Open sea Vap. This Vaporeon lives in the neverending deep blue of the high seas. Its whole life is based on speed, wich resulted in a highly efficient streamlined body and thin legs. While swimming it usualy folds the ruff and backfinrow backwards while swimming, so it can be even faster. There have been seen OSVaps who jumped out of the water with 80km/h.
Middle left: Swamp Vap. The foggy, muddy brown waters of the swamp are this Vaporeons homelands. It has shorter but stronger legs due to the fact that it often has to crawl through very shallow waters. The brown fur is a good camouflage for it when it drifts toward an unsuspecting victim before attacking fast. It has no ruff because a ruff would only hinder it when crawling through the roots of swamptrees and algae and the danger of being caught up in them with a ruff is too high.
Middle right: Inland waters Vap. Those Vaporeons have the habit to travel from lake to lake. Their habits doesn´t differ much from a usual or river Vap, but I decided to show it here because the IWVap is one of the very few Vaporeonspecies that is poisonous. Its tail has a thorn at the finbase wich can be stabbed into enemys. Its poison is highly painful when injected and a docter should be visited during the following five hours. Sometimes during mating season even other male IWVaps die in battles due of the poison of a stronger vap.
Under SwampVap: River Vap. The river Vaporeon lives, like the name says in floating fresh-waters. Like the Swamp Vap it has shorter legs so it can also crawlswim over sandbanks and gravelbanks or thin parts of rivers. It also travels from river to river overland, even though this is rare. They usually have a constant home in a mudhole in the wich they dig. RiverVaps and IWVaps use to hold a wintersleep. Because IWVaps don´t dig their own holes they sometimes throw RiverVaps out of their holes to seize it for themselves.
The rivervap has also an interresting huntingmethod. It stands in the stream with the ruff puffed up, so fishes who swm against this invisible wall get directed straight to its mouth.
Bottom left: Deep sea Vaporeon. It has some glowing spots arround its side and its cheek to attract prey. Also his eartips and tailfintips glow in the dark. It has speciallised large ears and Large fins to detekt every possible pray as soon as possible in a multiple range. It also has huge eyes because it lives in the twilioght zone of the deep sea, where only a hint of the sunlight manages to come through. The place where it is nearly completely dark in the ocean deps but still has SOME sunlight.
Don´t wonder about it´s belly being so round. Many deep sea creatures have very extensive stomaches so they can eat pray nearly as large as themselves. And they have to, because you don´t find pray everyday...
Bottom right: Male and Femal common Vaporeon. The Vaporeons how we know them. The females are a bit smaller, without the ruff and backfinrow. Usually even an inch paler than the males. The other Vap-races don´t show such a high difference in gendershape. Only the Arctic Vaps, where the females are bigger, more aggresive and have longer canines.
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