First are the seafoamislands and its surrounding waters.
The Horsea there match the most cummon species of horsea known by trainers.
Even though it is also found in the open waters especially at midday time, it usually lives on the shores and in the watercaves of seafoamisland, wich grant it a big safety in their labyrints of waterfilled caves against predatory pokemon.
One main characteristic of the horsea is its snorkle-like trunk. It uses it to feed on microorganisms and algae, wich are its main food.
Scientists now try to turn this into an advantage by breeding a special type of tiny horsea to use them as biological algae-killer in aquaristics. But data an this project is still rare.
Horsea of the seafoam islands are not built for speed. Their small fins are their only drive. Horseas streignt is a high portion of agility and a lifestile wich does not demand much.
The second main place to capture a horsea are the many big lakes of the safari-zone. But those horsea are way different from the open water ones.
Zoologists guess that once the Safarizone wich is now situated in a large hollow was part of the open sea decades and millions of years ago.
But the climate changed and the sea level sunk and left the safarizone as a big lake behind. The horsea had to adapt to lake water now.
Further in time the waterlevel in the lake sunk and the safari zone came to exsist as a large grassland with only some big lakes left.
But time left its scars on the horseas there. They are way different build than their open sea cousins. They surroundings of the safarizone horsea are large underwaterforests of algae, seaweeds and waterplants. Different to its open water cousin it is able to use its tail as an arm to cling to plants. Its tail is also longer. Moving through those waterforests by clinging from one seeweed to another became its main movingstile, wich is why its backfins are smaller than those from the open sea horsea.
Also its colour is adapted to the main greens of the lakes waters.
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