Dienstag, 4. Januar 2011

And 2011 is here! (eng/deu)

A (little late) HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Sorry I have kept you waiting for news so long, but i got myself busy getting my life in a row, organising things, family and friends. But now all is fine and I started working on projects again. *cheers*
I hope you all had a nice new years eve! Mine was a wee bit lonely, but also relaxing and I had time to overthink some of my attitudes.
But this doesnt belong in here ^^

I am currently learning HTML and CSS so chances are that i will be able to refine my websites next month. Will be much nicer for the eyes to see and to browse.

Also: I have been working on Gypceros, so i can upload him tomorrow. But now is where you come into play: I still have a little Kutku-garuga beakstudy in the works, but afterwards i have no plans yet. So i would really like you to comment, write , mail me: What monsters anatomy shall i draw next?

Since the people watching me are not only native english speakers, I will also start to write future text in both, german and english language. It will be quite some work, but I want people to be able to read what I think.

I hope you like those new ways of mine and wish you all luck and success in new year : )

EIN (etwas spätes) FROHES NEUES JAHR!

Tut mir leid, dass ich euch hab so lange warten lassen, aber ich musste mein leben, familie und freunde erstmal auf eine organisierbare reihe bekommen. Was auch von erfolg gekrönt war! *cheers*
Ich hoffe ihr hattet alle ein schönes silvester fest. meins war ein wenig einsam, aber auch entspannend und ich hatte zeit über ein paar einstellungen meinerseits nachzudenken.
Aber das gehört hier nicht her ^^

Im moment lerne ich HTML und CSS, was bedeutet, dass ich euch vielleicht schon nächsten Monat mit einem neueren, schöneren, und organisierteren Layout begrüßen kann. Lasst euch überraschen.

Zudem: Ich habe an Gypceros gearbeitet und werde ihn morgen hochladen, aber ab da kommt IHR ins spiel: Sagt mir welches Monster ich als nächstes anatomisch unter die Lupe nehmen soll.
Ich habe noch einen Kutku-garuga-schnabelvergleich in der Mache, aber danach ist noch nichts geplant. Daher fänd ich es echt super wenn ihr mir schreibt, kommentiert, mailt, was auch immer: Welche Monsteranatomie soll ich als nächstes zeichnen?

Ihr habts schon gemerkt. Dieser post ist in englisch UND auf deutsch. das liegt daran dass ich watcher habe die kein deutsch können, aber ebenso auch watcher habe denen es ( verständlicher weise) zu mühseelig ist, sich lange Anatomieideen auf englisch durchzulesen. Ich werde das jetzt immer so handhaben.

Ich hoffe ihr mögt die neuen Änderungen und wünsche euch viel Glück und Erfolg im neuen Jahr : )

Freitag, 17. Dezember 2010

the stress season

Hello people,

this blog is barely open for two months now and I am damn happy to see it already attracted some regular readers.
And as we speak, you probably wait for the next update ( wich will focus around gypceros ).
Sadly the reason why I didnt update in a while is still up to date: I have banners to finish, christmas stuff to finish, there is a christmas comic wich I really reall would like to finish until christmas and I have a damn huge project running wich is due in the first week of january. So you can guess how stressfull this time is for me right now.

These things said: I doubt I will be able to update the next two weeks.
I hope you are not mad at me.

Samstag, 4. Dezember 2010

Akantor - anatomy

Hello People,
Todays post is a special post! Because this piece is actually a giftart.
Dedicated to Akantorkriller from YT
After finishing the MHFU-Walkthrough I thought it was nessecary to show him some appreciation.
Actually: a lot of appreciation.
For a great time, being helpful and humorous and generally an awesome hunter.
So this times Anatomy of the epic Akantor is dedicated to AKANTORKRILLER

( Rock on! )
( big version )
(regular white anatomical version )

Samstag, 27. November 2010

evil shroom

Two posts in one day? WOOOHOO! But thats exactly how I rolled today.

This time I went for something different. No Monster hunter or Pokemon stuff.
Mario fans will know this little bugger all too well.
(Jump on it!)

Of course, gumbas dont seem to actually have a skelleton. But maybe its partly cartilage. The most difficult part though where the Legs.... since the original Gumba has none.
But I think I created a somewhat acceptable solution.
What do you think?

Kut Ku anatomy - muscles

Now that I have the anatomy references I needed I can finally give the Kut Ku skelleton some flesh.
( big picture again. sorry!)

I am sure there are still a lot of flaws. if you like to point them out, just go ahead and send me an e-mail. I am always open for constructive critics and development.

The worst part was the tail for me. And I am sure the Masseter muscle at the jaw has to be stronger and thicker. And I left out most of its facemuscles including the earmuscles.

Donnerstag, 25. November 2010

Monster hunter arm collection 1b - body

Today I added some... body to the bones. To show the shape of the arms in the way they would look if they where complete flesh and bones.
I don't want to call this "flesh" because I am planning on showing actual muscle structure and call this part "flesh". I am just waiting for a specific package to finish research and add muscles and tissues to these bones.
So the next part of this collection will be either "skin" or "meat".

( outer bodyline )
( covering bodyline )

Mittwoch, 24. November 2010

Monster hunter arm collection 1a - bones

( Please look here, since picture is BIG )

Todays project was literally an armfull of work.
I decided to compare the arm-anatomy of the several dinosaurlike Monsters from Monster Hunter. They are officially classified as a subspecies of "bird wyvern" wich I see as a problem because... wyvern have wings. So I will stick with the classification "dinosaurlike monsters".

(from left to right)
The first subject of this project is the monstrous and enormously dangerous Deviljho. If you compare his arms to any other dinosaurlike monster in the game the first thing that catches the eye is its enormous high shoulderblade and its small size. In game it is the biggest "Brute wyvern", still its arms are tiny. He is the Tyrannosaurthing of Monster hunter, putting all of his danger in battle into his size, jaw and tail, crushing his enemies with his pure muscleweight.

The next one is Iodrome. The only other dinosaurlike monster in MH with two digits besides Deviljho. Like Deviljho, he puts most of his battlemoves in his legs, bite and his poisonous spit, so it doesnt really need much clawpower. Yet its armmuscles are unusually big.

Quite different from the next subject. Gendrome. Its claws are more hooklike and designed to slice. Its arms are quite slim, containing only of efficient muscles and ligaments. Though its moves are mostly the same as for Iodrome and its main attack is a nice bite with two big stingpoison teeth, it uses its arms much more than Iodrome.

The next one is the ( in my view) most fascinating of the three dromes. Velocidrome. He may be the first and weakest of the dromes, but his arm anatomies are quite unusual. He has no digits. in fact he is missing all digitbones. Those elongated claws are no digitbones, but bones of the palm. How this happened is still quite a mystery to me ( I am working on this. ) The velociprey has no poison or elemental weapon. All its power comes from its jaws and claws, resulting in the claws on arms and limbs being enormous. Surprisingly its armmuscles are quite scarce. Actually its just enough musclemass to give the lower arms enough downward motion to slam the claws into flesh.

From the three oldschool monsters I come straight to the three new boys on the block. Great Jaggi, great Froggy and great Baggi.

Great Jaggi. I personally like to call him Captain Hook. For hopefully obvious reasons. Also the small Baggi have a somehow hookshaped claw as the third digit. Such hook-claws are pretty useful to catch fish. And remembering that their nests are often near rivers and waterholes it doesnt seem that as impossible of an explaination. It has strong muscles all along the arm, wich is also usefull, since they might have to hold on tight to the caught fish and fish can emit a lot of energy when struggling.

The great Froggi is the newest of the dinosaurlike monsters. Its still a mystery to me, since I wasnt able to observe this species yet and the games including them wheren't available at this time. Surprising are the claws of this creature, who actually look more like HOOVES. I have no real idea yet what this means. But I will add all information here as soon as I gather it.

The last one is Baggi. Sadly the most unimpressive of this bunch. His arms are filled with powerful muscles, but its claws are relatively short. It probably uses them like a bear. ( its obvious. i didnt meet him yet either. sorry.